Film Hub Member Meet-Up: Filmbankmedia and Balloon (Qi Qui) screening

  • Thu 11 Feb, 2021

    Film Hub Member Meet-Up: Filmbankmedia and Balloon (Qi Qui) screening


Our next Film Hub meet-up is coming up this Thursday 11th February, 10.30am – 12pm.


Those who have signed up to attend our Zoom meetings will receive the link and we will have some time to talk about the film on Thursday morning. (You do not have to re-register if you have registered for previous Zoom meet-ups).


Balloon movie poster

This will be a chance to catch-up with one another, explore online screening options, and watch a new release.

We are welcoming Rupinder Gataora (Head of Sales) and Rob Streeten (Director of Product Development) from Filmbankmedia who will be talking us through their new Virtual Screening Rooms, discussing how you can work with them to screen films online for your audiences, and are to answer any questions you may have about this service.

Attendees are also invited to enjoy an online screener of Balloon, which is a contender to follow The Sound of Metal, as a FAN Supported Title, due for release on 23rd April.

More info about Balloon:


Balloon (Qi Qiu)

Dir: Pema Tseden China 2019 102 mins tbc
In Tibetan director Pema Tseden’s (Soul Searching, Tharlo, Jinpa) multi award-winning Balloon, a family struggles against the conflicting dictates of nature, spirituality, politics, and free will.

Tibet, 1980s: Dargye and Drolkar’s two boisterous youngest sons have blown up their parents’ condoms like balloons. Not only does this outrage their entire village, but more practically: they have no more condoms. The shepherd couple already have three sons, and as China has recently introduced its one-child policy, they can’t have any more.

Once China’s one-child policy was relaxed in 2015 – now permitting two children per family – space opened up for films examining the often profoundly traumatic consequences of this measure. Tseden takes a drily comic approach to the subject here, captured in deceptively simple handheld footage full of implicit symbolism. In his world, there is no chasm between modernity and tradition; rather, the two gently rub against each other.

With its cool colour palette, attentive handheld camerawork, and painterly passages that seem to transpire somewhere between this world and the next, Balloon approaches weighty themes with beguiling brio and a sense of wonder.

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