Film Hub Members’ Catch-Up

  • Thu 23 April, 2020

    Film Hub Members’ Catch-Up


Following the inaugural Film Hub Member Zoom catch up on 9th April, we are now planning to host a fortnightly Zoom check in on Thursdays at 2.30pm for Film Hub Members.


Keeping in touch and connecting with one another as we navigate through a new kind of normal feels particularly important at the moment and we at the Film Hub are keen to create a regular space for members to come together and share.

The format of these get togethers will evolve over the coming weeks. Sometimes it will be an informal catch up, other times more formal, focused around a particular theme or with a guest speaker, and sometimes we’ll do a quiz or play a game.

The next one will focus on the BFI FAN Covid-19 Resilience Fund and sharing top tips for coping with lockdown.

Do let me know if you can join us by sending me an email at

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