Film Hub Members’ Catch-Up

  • Thu 21 May, 2020

    Film Hub Members’ Catch-Up


Keeping in touch and connecting with one another as we navigate through a new kind of normal feels particularly important at the moment and we at the Film Hub are keen to create a regular space for members to come together and share.

We are meeting on a fortnightly basis via Zoom. Please note, these meetings are for Film Hub Members. If you are not yet a member – find out more about joining here.

As well as having a general check in with members and each other we will be talking about online screenings and events this week. We won’t be doing formal presentations but I have asked a few members to share their learning and experiences and I invite anyone who has been experimenting with different kinds of online events to join in and share.

In these unusual times we are all adapting, learning and developing expertise in new areas of online activity. Sometimes it can feel completely overwhelming with so much choice and sometimes impenetrable with no clear solution to the given problem.

Hopefully by sharing our experiences and learning, we can help each other to develop our practice, to feel more confident and find solutions to the issues we may be facing when it comes to connecting, sharing and engaging audiences, in this strange new world..

To register to attend please sign up here.

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