Film Hub Members’ Programming & Audience Development Meet Up

  • Thu 12 March, 2020

    Film Hub Members’ Programming & Audience Development Meet Up

    Exeter Phoenix

Join the Film Hub team and other exhibitors from the South West to discuss upcoming titles and touring programmes plus audience development ideas and funding opportunities.

This meeting is open to all Film Hub Members, future, new and old. If you haven’t attended before it’s a great opportunity to hear from other members about successes, challenges and things to look forward to, as well as catch up on Film Hub news and opportunities. We will also be joined by Andy Robson from Film Hub North, to discuss opportunities around Changing Times: New Directions, the screen heritage fund and Annabel Grundy from Film Hub Midlands to talk about Japan 2020 and the next Film Feels major season.

The day will kick off with a preview screening of Ladj Ly’s racially charged feature debut, “Les Misérables,” a police drama set in a tough Paris suburb, which won the 2019 Jury Prize at Cannes and was selected by France’s Oscar committee as the country’s submission for the international feature film competition.

Venue: Exeter Phoenix
Date: 12th March 2020

10.30am – 1pm: Les Misérables
1pm – 1.30pm: Lunch
1.30pm – 4pm: Programming and Film Hub Catch Up

Register to attend

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