UCKA Regional Meeting – FAN Membership

  • Tue 16 Nov, 2021

    UCKA Regional Meeting – FAN Membership

    Savoy Cinema, Exmouth

The UK Cinema Association (UKCA) has begun its latest round of regional meetings for members and industry partners, the first for two years. The meeting of the Association’s ‘West of England’ branch is planned for Tuesday 16 November and will take place at the Savoy Cinema, Exmouth.

Beginning with a networking lunch open to all at 12.30 and then running on to an afternoon session of presentations and discussions, the event is open not just to UKCA members but also colleagues from across the industry and is intended to provide an opportunity for people to meet and network after a considerable period of disruption.

The afternoon session will close at 16.30 and be followed by a drinks reception with further networking opportunities at an informal dinner in the evening.

Attendance is free (though those attending the dinner in the evening will be asked to cover their costs). If you would like to come along to some or all of the event please confirm with seema.saujani@cinemauk.org.uk


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