When the funding is cut from their grief healing program Kai is ordered to shut down Python, a conscious computing system. Guiding the computer to sleep Python runs the simulation on Kai against protocol, and they are forced to confront the person they need let go of the most…
Writer-director Frankie Fox
Producer Milo Beyts
Writer Bryan Chainey
Year complete 2023
Run time 5:08
Frankie is an emerging writer and director based in Bristol. His visually striking style of filmmaking is informed by over 5 years of experience working as a costume and production designer. Frankie’s first short film, ‘GOODBYE PYTHON’ was awarded funding by the BFI Network and is set for release in 2023. Frankie is passionate about creating trans representation in genre films – Something he hopes to create on a large scale for future generations.
Film still
Film still
Swindon’s Create Studios is leading on a new 3-year BFI Spotlight initiative in Swindon, Wiltshire and Gloucestershire bringing the best of old and new film to audiences hungry to share screening experiences again.