Leon is a mixed-race Bristol boy whose only connection to his Black side of the family is his Nan. With his Nan gone, Leon must seek out new connections to understand where he belongs by going to a Nine Nights ritual.
Writer-director Michael Jenkins
Producer Bex Rose
Production Company Blak Wave Productions
Year complete 2021
Run time 17 Minutes
This short is not currently available to watch online, for booking enquires please contact Bex Rose
Michael Jenkins
Image c/o Blak Wave
Image c/o Blak Wave
Filming with the threat of covid-19 meant we had to make the film with reduced cast and crew. We would have loved to recreate the atmosphere of a Jamaican Nine Nights celebration with more people; but it did make the final scene feel intimate and emotional. A highlight was listening to the original song composed and performed by the Tan Teddy sisters. Their harmonies had us in tears and as they are a family unit they could stand together without the need to social distancing. Bex Rose, Producer