Guides to Diverse Audiences

On this page you will find resources from Inclusive Cinema to help you in understanding and working to support diversity in UK cinema exhibition.

Visit Inclusive Cinema for information and resources.

Black culture is integral to British society and should be woven into our education and cultural understanding all year round, not just for now, but forever. As an opportunity to raise up the stories of those who have been marginalised, we hope this resource can be used as a vehicle to start important conversations and continue creating change – in on-screen representation, recognition of cultural impact, and in delivering a more inclusive future. - Inclusive Cinema

Festivals, collectives and organisations in the UK Film and Culture Industries

Dardishi: Festival of Arab and North African womxn’s art (Glasgow)
Africa in Motion (Glasgow/Edinburgh)
Fringe of Colour (Edinburgh)
African Film Club (Edinburgh)
Fly! Festival of Black Women’s Film (Bristol)
We Are Parable
The New Black Film Collective
The British Blacklist
Come the Revolution 
Creative Debuts: Black Artist Grant
Black Ticket Project
Cinema Golau (Wales)
Watch Africa (Wales)
Caramel Film Club (London)
Recognize (Midlands)
CineQ (Midlands)
Mangosteen Media (Manchester/Bolton)
Black Gold Arts (Manchester)
Cables & Cameras (Bristol)
Afrika Eye (Bristol)
Kiki (Bristol)
Black Femme Film (London)

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