Bristol Bad Film Club

Welcome to the Bristol Bad Film Club – a place where movie fans can behold some of the most ‘unique’ films ever put to celluloid.

The worst thing a movie can be is completely unmemorable. When you watch a film, which is neither bad nor good, but is instead completely and utterly forgettable, takes up two hours of your life and gives you nothing back in return, apart from disappointment – then that is completely unforgivable.

At the Bristol Bad Film Club, we believe that great movies fall into two categories: they either have to be the very best… or the very worst.

Whether they are Citizen Kane or Plan 9 From Outer Space, we believe that at the very least, a movie should entertain… and there is something wonderful about a truly ‘bad film’.

Whether it’s the head-scratching dialogue, the shoddy special effects or acting that would not look out of place in a nursery school’s nativity play.

Instead of ignoring these films and condemning them, the Bristol Bad Film Club is dedicated to showing them, and other cult films of their ilk, in all their terrible glory, and basking in their awfulness.

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