Awen Productions CIC is an award-winning social enterprise set up in 2006 and based in West Cornwall. The ethos at the heart of Awen Productions is the creative use of digital media as tools for positive social change. We are creative practitioners and strategic thinkers, motivated to work across boundaries with a social, ethical conscious.
We embrace collaborative, multi-layered approaches working with communities, filmmakers, artists, cultural partners and creatives. As filmmakers we strive for aesthetic and technical quality with a clear focus on integrity and ethics. As practitioners we take a proactive role in screening our and other people’s work and tour Cornwall through village halls and indie cinemas. We’ve even screened in tents and domes! We believe that documentary film and creative media plays an important role in educating and engaging people of all ages and backgrounds, whether as viewers or as participants and contributors.
Beth Thomas, assistant manager at The Poly in Falmouth, writes about attending the Film Hub South West Annual Members' Forum at Watershed in November 2024.