Take part in the BFI FAN UK-wide Screen Heritage Programme

Changing Times is a four-year, nationwide programme of screen heritage activity led by the Film Audience Network.

Film Hub Members can apply for between £500 – £15,000 for bespoke programming, in January to May 2019, to celebrate the inspiring advances made by generations of remarkable women who have transformed attitudes and changed our everyday lives.


Changing Times
is an exploration of over one hundred years of social change as documented by moving image material held in our film and television archives. Through a series of screenings and public events, Changing Times will offer audiences the chance to reflect on a century of cultural transformation by uncovering the many voices, hidden histories and forgotten stories that make up our collective past, and will foster stronger links between the archive and exhibition sectors.

In its first year, Changing Times centres on Women’s Histories as reflected within the UK’s screen archive collections. From January to May 2019, we will celebrate the inspiring advances made by generations of remarkable women who have transformed attitudes and changed our everyday lives. The programme will respond to ongoing discussions around women in society, in culture and in film culture, and acknowledges that these conversations are of particular importance to contemporary audiences.


There’s two simple ways for Members of the Film Audience Network to get involved. In December, Film Hub North will be announcing a Film Menu curated in response to the theme of Women’s Histories and will be making available up to £500 of support to enhance screenings. 


The Engagement Fund, open for proposals now, makes available funding of between £500 – £15,000 to support Members to deliver their own screen heritage activity inspired by the theme of Women’s Histories.


These opportunities provide both easy-access programming options and the flexibility for Members to interpret the programme in their own way. For more information on how to take part, take a look at the Changing Times: Women’s Histories Programme Overview and the Engagement Fund Guidelines.


Support available

Engagement Fund open now
Apply for between £500 – £15,000
Film Menu coming in late-November
Dates and deadline
Engagement Fund opens: 16 Nov ’18
Engagement Fund closes: 1 Mar ’19
Projects to take place: Jan ’19 – May ’19

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