Mark Cosgrove’s Weekly Blog – 7th Nov

Cinema Curator at Watershed and Chair of the Film Hub South West, Mark Cosgrove feeds back on the highs and lows of Watershed’s screenings this week…

“Mike Leigh’s heartfelt historical drama Peterloo shines a light on a much overlooked period of English history and has connected brilliantly with Watershed audiences where we delivered the second highest opening figures after HOME in Manchester. It is clear that Peterloo will play well with indie and art house sites – its subject matter and running time making it a more challenging proposition for the commercial mainstream. And I am sure it will have a long tale with history departments and schools. It certainly feels like it will have a good few weeks at Watershed. Other openers Black Mother was always going to be a very small release whilst Mirai performed very averagely for a Japanese animation.

The second highest grossing film at Watershed was the 2nd weekend of the Danish thriller The Guilty, which I was glad to have held over from an initial 1 week booking. It plays very well with audiences delivering smart thrills and serious suspense in a surprisingly simple set up. If Widows was not opening I would have kept The Guilty for a third week. A thoroughly recommended audience pleaser.”

  • Mark Cosgrove, Cinema Curator at Watershed

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