Safeguarding guidelines published for cinemas, drive-ins and outdoor cinema

With support from the Government the UK Cinema Association has now published guidance on the safe operation of cinemas and mobile cinemas from 4 July as well as drive in and outdoor cinemas.

These documents have been produced by the Association in consultation with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, with input from the British Film Institute, the Screen Sector Task Force, the Independent Cinema Office and BECTU, and in consultation with Public Health England (PHE) and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the devolved nations.

For full press announcement on the launch of the Cinemas – keeping workers and customers safe during COVID-19 document visit the UKCA website here.

  • CINEMAS-keeping-workers-and-customers-safe-during-COVID-19-JUNE-2020-V1.0 Download
  • DRIVE IN AND OTHER OUTDOOR CINEMAS - keeping workers and customers safe during COVID-19 v2.0 - June 2020 Download

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