A woman's face is illuminated by a triangular light.
THE ROOMS: Max McClure

Winter Residency 2025

Closing Date: Mon 4 November, 18:00 GMT

Our Winter Residencies offer an opportunity to develop an idea merging art and technology, that responds to the theme of Actual Reality. This is a chance to share ideas, meet incredible people, experiment, make and think.

There are two residencies available. Each comes with a structured programme, work space at the Pervasive Media Studio, a network of peers, plus financial, technical and critical support. This is a rare opportunity for people who make artwork with technology, to have time, resources and freedom to get an idea off the ground.


At least 11 flexible days between February and March 2025.


Watershed’s Pervasive Media Studio.


Our theme for this year is Actual Reality. When Pervasive Media Studio was founded in 2008, we were excited about the possibilities of mobile technology, taking computing and media beyond the computer screen. We imagined "pervasive media" delivered to people out in the physical world, via sensors and location-based tech. We have explored mixing creativity and mobile content: geolocated sound experiences brought stories alive in outdoor spaces, tech-enabled street games took over car parks and city squares, wearable devices connected people and lots more. We were hopeful about the future and how we might build experiences that pervade the real world, in ways that weren't possible before.

Nearly two decades later, many of these technologies are part of our daily lives. But instead of being liberated from our computer screens, we are tied more and more to our individual devices and apps. We worry about isolation and a constriction of imaginative potential, but we are also inspired by the ways that these tools have been adapted and subverted to meet the needs of individuals and groups that were never considered in their design.

So this year we’re looking for artistic ideas that take computing out of the computer and into the live world, whether that's a busy shopping street or the kitchen table. We want to ask what "pervasive media" could look like that combines the dreams of 2008 with the technology of 2025. How can art and technology help us to engage with one another in the same reality? What sort of artistic experiences can we create when tech pervades real-world activities? And how do those dreams need to shift and grow, to include those voices that were left out, and reflect a new understanding of growth, wealth, consumerism and progress? These are the kinds of questions we're thinking about, but we hope you'll bring your own.


This opportunity is open to people who make artwork with technology at any career stage, in any discipline or background. Applicants may be well versed in using technology, have experimented, or have some great ideas but need help with technical possibilities. Any approach is fine.

You can apply as individuals or groups (we’re unable to offer additional fees for group applications).

To be eligible you must meet the following criteria:

  • You reside in the UK
  • You are aged 18 or over
  • You are not an undergraduate student or student in full time education
  • You have an idea that:
    • Is at an early stage of development
    • Responds to our theme of Actual Reality
    • Would benefit from being developed within the Pervasive Media Studio
    • Blends art and creative technology
      (‘art’ means any artistic discipline; ‘creative technology’ means things like robotics, mobile, sensor-based, interactive screen, tangible and/or immersive technologies)

Please note this programme does not support: 

- Film production, for support in this area please head over to BFI Film Hub or BFI Film Academy
- Projection, unless it uses mapping or interactivity
- Image or sound works, unless part of an idea for an immersive, location-based, tangible or interactive project.

We offer

  • Time in residence at Watershed’s Pervasive Media Studio
  • A bursary of £2,750 (tax inclusive) plus £500 for materials
  • A travel bursary to support temporary relocation to Bristol
  • The opportunity to focus intensively on the development of an idea
  • Tailored support to help you get the most out of your time with us
  • A structured process featuring research blogs, regular catch ups, discussions and sharing events
  • A peer community of potential collaborators for current and future projects
  • We aim to be as inclusive as possible and work to accommodate all access requirements. We will openly discuss and tailor how we do things throughout, to support you as best we can.

We ask for

  • Enthusiasm and ambition to grow and develop your practice.
  • An open, curious, experimental approach
  • Dedicated research time at the Pervasive Media Studio 
  • Regular online documentation of progress and ideas 
  • Participation in critiques, discussions and meetings
  • Informal conversations with members of the Studio community
  • A willingness to contribute to the Studio community 
  • A sharing of ideas towards the end of the residency 
  • Some reflection and feedback on your time with us

The selection process

We have a two stage selection process – a short Expression of Interest Form (Stage One), followed by a proposal and interview (Stage Two). We will use random selection to pick 12 Expressions of Interest to take forward to Stage Two.

Watershed first used random selection in 2022. At that time we recorded a talk and published two articles to share thoughts and learning. In 2023 we wrote a more detailed guide. This is not compulsory reading. But if you are curious and want to know more, here are links for reference:

How to apply

Stage One

If you are interested in applying, please: 

We realise that forms don’t suit everyone, so if you would like discuss a different way to apply, please get in touch on residencies@watershed.co.uk 

Stage Two

We will randomly select 12 expressions of interest. If you are selected you will be invited to:

  • Attend a 30 minute application surgery. 

Online or in person at Pervasive Media Studio (travel bursaries available)

  • Submit a written or recorded proposal outlining your idea.

We will provide guidance.

  • Attend an online interview.

We will send interview questions in advance.

We will provide a £200 stipend (inc. tax) to those who complete both application stages.

If you have access requirements there will be opportunity to discuss this at the time.

We recognise the creative industries are majority white, cisgender and non-disabled. We believe our work will be stronger with greater diversity and welcome applications from those who bring difference.

Any Questions?

If you have any questions about the residencies or application process, please message us at residencies@watershed.co.uk

Watershed’s Winter Residencies are made possible with support from Arts Council England and MyWorld.

Arts Council Logo


Closing Date: Mon 4 November, 18:00 GMT

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