Head and shoulder picture of Louise Gardner, Director of Audiences

Louise Gardner

Director of Audiences

Louise joined Watershed in the mid 90s and now has lead responsibility for the Watershed Brand and Customer Experience. Louise has had a variety of roles all relating to marketing and communications over the years at Watershed and previously worked at Cornerhouse in Manchester and Chapter in Cardiff. This is Louise’s second time at Watershed – she worked in Box Office straight out of university for a year and half when all tickets were sold manually using a roll of tickets coming out of a slot after you’d punched in the number you required - ranging from 1 to 5!

Email: louise.g@watershed.co.uk

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Exterior shot of Watershed building with 'Cheers Drive' sign.
Posted on Mon 4 Oct 2021 by Louise Gardner

An update from Watershed on the next set of steps we are taking to rebuild our organisation and also to ask you to let us know what you are thinking and tell us how you are doing.

thank you poster
Posted on Tue 6 Oct 2020 by Louise Gardner

Here's a quick update from us, including some thoughts from Mark Cosgrove, our Cinema Curator, explaining a bit more about what is happening in the world of cinema at the moment.

2020 Cinema
Posted on Wed 15 Jan 2020 by Louise Gardner

On Sat 1 Feb 2020 our cinema ticket prices are increasing for the first time in two years.