Short Cuts
A Watershed led filmmaking programme which enabled young people across Bristol to make and showcase three short films.
Short Cuts was a six month programme that supported 45 young people to make three short films exploring the Olympic values of “friendship”, “respect”, and “excellence”, each under 5 minutes long.
The project provided three groups of young filmmakers with twenty weekly sessions including skills-building workshops and opportunities to work with creative professionals; all designed to build skills and to broaden horizons.
The pre-production phase from May to July introduced the young filmmakers to various elements of film production while creating a space for the young participants to explore their own creativity and to work with and learn from one another. August saw the films in production and post-production and in September the participants addressed film marketing and exhibition.
In November the finished films went on to premiere at Watershed in Fresh Flix, part of Encounters International Film Festival.
Supported by the Lottery through the UK Film Council's First Light initiative, the Short Cuts project was a collaboration between Watershed and the RELAYS project, Knowle West Media Centre, Young Bristol/Fast Forward, Connexions West and Encounters International Film Festival. Bristol Foyer and the Foyer Media Project also supported the project.
Related Links:
First Light
Fresh Flix
Encounters International Film Festival
Knowle West Media Centre
Bristol Foyer
RELAYS at Watershed
Young Bristol
Ended in November 2010