Sayadeen: Director's Q&A

Shot over one morning on location from a boat off the Gaza coast, Sayadeen is a series of first hand accounts of what it is to fish within one of the strictest naval blockades on the planet.

In this post-screening Q&A Gökmen talks emotively about why he chose to make this film about the fishermen of Gaza and the troubles they face every day, the logistics of entering Gaza through Egypt, and his compulsion to return.

As part of this event Sayadeen was screened alongside Infiltrators, a visceral 'road movie' that chronicles the daily travails of Palestinians of all backgrounds as they seek routes through, under, around, and over the seperation wall with Israel. Both films capture the chilling absurdity of the wall and how it impacts those caught on one side.

This event was presented as part of Bristol Palestine Film Festival 2013.


Posted on Sat 7 Dec 2013.

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