Please note: This event took place in July 2022
Join local film enthusiast and historian Mark Fuller for the first of two different, gentle walks that between them take in the landmarks and personalities of Cinema in Central Bristol from the 1880s to the present day. Ideal for a little exercise (all walks are flat or downhill from their starting points) before settling down for the cinematic wonders of the rest of Cinema Rediscovered.
Walk One starts opposite Everyman Bristol (aka the former Whiteladies Picture House) at 9:00, near Clifton Down Shopping Centre (Buses 1, 2 and 4 from the Centre) and finishes near The Galleries at approximately 10:30.
Weather permitting, there will be visual aids with archive photographs and clips to help illustrate the talks at each stop.
Mark Fuller is a retired bookie and film enthusiast, who has been involved in the silent film scene in Bristol for over twenty years, helping out at Bristol Silents, Slapstick and now South West Silents, for whom he curates the Club Screenings. Since retirement he has been able to revive his various research projects on early film screenings in Bristol, and has written for Bristol Ideas about the elusive Augustus Rosenberg, the showman/inventor who brought cinema to Bristol in 1896. Otherwise, he is a regular at the various cinemas in Bristol, watching films old and new, and at archive film festivals here and abroad.
There are 10 places are available for each walk, so ensure you book in advance to avoid disappointment.