
classified 15

Watching The Watcher


Please note: This was screened in Aug 2023

Alan J. Pakula
Jane Fonda, Donald Sutherland, Charles Cioffi
114 mins, 1971, USA
Primary language

With her Oscar®-winning turn in Klute, Jane Fonda arrived fully-fledged as a new kind of movie star.

Bringing nervy audacity and counterculture style to the role of Bree Daniels – a call girl and aspiring actor who becomes the focal point of a missing person investigation when detective John Klute (Donald Sutherland) turns up at her door – Fonda made the film her own, putting an independent woman and escort on-screen with a frankness that had not yet been attempted in Hollywood.

Directed by conspiracy thriller specialist Alan J. Pakula, Klute is a character study thick with dread, capturing the mood of early 70s New York and the predicament of a woman trying to find her own way on the fringes of society.

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