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classified 15

Queer Vision Film Festival 2024


Please note: This was screened in July 2024

Jos Bitelli, Amy Pennington
69 mins, 2024, UK
Primary language

Director and self-proclaimed “future award-winning filmmaker” Amy Pennington dares to answer a question no one really asked but presumably wanted to in this hilarious yet heartwarming send-up of British reality television.

Portraying the show’s clueless, awkward, and overly chummy host, Pennington embarks on a nationwide odyssey, invading the lives and homes of four unsuspecting trans people to find out the real T – what TOPS they wanted to wear after TOP surgery.

A short and sweet feature, Pennington’s faux documentary is an illuminating, uninhibited one-of-a-kind feature that kindly observes trans masculine experience, and will definitely put a big smile on your face.

Screening in partnership with Bristol Butch Bar.

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