Found in: Queer Vision
Queer East Shorts Programme: 'Welcome to Neverland'
Still from Chomp It!

Queer East Shorts Programme: 'Welcome to Neverland'

classified 18 (CTBA)

Queer Vision Film Festival 2024


Please note: This was screened in June 2024

120 mins

We’re delighted to partner with Queer East for a crowd-pleasing programme of supernatural short films, which challenge cultural understandings of gender and sexuality.

The films on the line-up are:

  • Chomp It!, dir: Mark Chua, Lam Li Shuen, 2023, 12 mins
  • Still Life, dir: Sarah Kim, 2023, 15 mins
  • Mom, if I were a Vampire, dir: Deborah Devyn Chuang, 2022, 17 mins
  • Wegen Hegel, dir: Popo Fan, 2023, 13 mins
  • Fish Boy, dir: Christopher Yip, 2023, 11 mins
  • Their Universe, dir: Han Jeong-gil, 2023, 16 mins

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