Cinema Walk 1
Credit: Lorena Pino

Cinema Walk 2

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Bristol UNESCO City of Film Connections

Walking tour

Sun 28 July 09:00

College Green Bus Stop

Bristol has been an UNESCO City Of Film since 2017, but Bristol and cinema have been entwined since – some would say before – the beginning of moving pictures. Join local enthusiast and historian Mark Fuller and historian and academic Dr Peter Walsh for the second of two gentle walks.

You will travel in a loop from College Green into the old city and back to Watershed focusing on some of the personalities involved in the development of Cinema in Bristol and their influences both nationally and internationally.

Ideal for a little exercise (all walks are flat or downhill from their starting points), and what passes for fresh air in central Bristol, before settling down for the cinematic wonders of Cinema Rediscovered. Both walks are discrete from each other; but for the most complete story of Cinema and Bristol, come to both!

Walk 2 on Sunday will start at 9:00 by the College Green bus stop, and end at 10:30 by Watershed.

Weather allowing, there will be visual aids to help illustrate the talks at each stop.

Please note: under 18s must be accompanied by an adult.

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