The Red Turtle

The Red Turtle

classified PG

Cast Away


Until Sun 1 Sept

Michael Dudok de Wit
Emmanuel Garijo, Tom Hudson, Baptiste Goy
80 mins, 2016, France
Primary language

Studio Ghibli’s first film by a non-Japanese director and made without Japanese artists since the studio was founded in 1985.

A man washes ashore on a remote island. Alone, famished, yet determined to break free from this Eden-like prison, the stranded sailor summons the strength to build a small raft, and sets off on a perilous journey into the open sea. But a mysterious red turtle prevents his escape, and out of nature's enchanted cycle, a unique bond blossoms.

Michael Dudok de Wit's visually stunning debut feature film encourages audiences to fall in love with a small tropical island on which a nondescript, mute castaway inexplicably finds himself shipwrecked in a film about the delicate balance of life, the beauty of death and the power of the landscape.

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