Song of the Sea
Images Courtesy of Park Circus/StudioCanal

Song of the Sea

classified PG

Cast Away


Please note: This was screened in Aug 2024

Tomm Moore
David Rawle, Brendan Gleeson, Lisa Hannigan
93 mins, 2014, Ireland
Primary language
English, Irish Gaelic

This Oscar®-nominated film is a gorgeous hand-drawn animation by Irish animator Tom Moore - indeed, it’s been hailed as one of the most blissfully beautiful films ever made! It is inspired by Celtic magic and folklore: this time by the ancient Irish legend of the Selkies, magical beings who live as seals in the water and as humans on land.

Ben and his sister Saoirse (who hasn’t once spoken even though she is six years old) live on a rocky island where seals bob up to watch their every move. When their father sends them off to live with their gruff granny in the city, the unhappy duo plan their return – and aided by a horde of ghostly but kind creatures, they face many adventures along their way. Will Saoirse discover the secret of their past and find her voice?

An enchanting treat for families – chock full of stunning imagery, captivating critters, gorgeous misty watercolours, and ethereal Gaelic music – Song of The Sea is already a classic. Do come and experience it on the big screen and see what all the fuss is about

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