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Sky Peals

classified 12A

Fri 9 - Thu 15 Aug

Moin Hussain
Faraz Ayub, Natalie Gavin, Claire Rushbrook
91 mins, 2023, UK
Primary language

Moin Hussain’s highly anticipated feature debut blends realist drama with a playful suggestion of otherworldly science-fiction.

Adam (Faraz Ayub) lives a lonely and isolated life, working night shifts at a burger joint in a motorway service station. Upon hearing of his estranged father’s death, he seeks information about a man he barely knew, and soon begins to wonder if his late parent was actually from another planet. And if he was, what does that make Adam?

Despite suggestions of far-away galaxies, Hussain’s quietly unconventional character study (shot on gorgeous 35mm) is a down-to-earth, deeply human tale of alienation, identity and belonging in modern Britain.

  • Screenings of Sky Peals on Tue 13 Aug are part of our Cinébites deal: get 30% off any main dish in the Café & Bar with a valid cinema ticket.

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