Photo of a black woman wearing a blue, black and white jumper

Kat Garoës-Hill

Communications Manager (Creative Technology)

Kat is of British-Namibian-Indian heritage and originally from the northern multi-cultural city of Bradford and is Communications Manager for Creative Technology at Watershed.

She has lived in Bristol for 15 years, originally arriving to study Graphic Design at UWE, and eventually staying for Bristol’s strong focus on the arts and unique culture. Kat is very experienced with connecting people with information through digital media, design, and social media marketing and has worked in creative communications in the charity sector for the past five years.

Outside off her main job, Kat is a DJ and electronic musician (GAROËSS), she’s also part of the collective Booty Bass and is currently on Saffron Music’s Emerging Artist Development Program for Black female and non-binary musicians.

Kat is very friendly, approachable, and loves meeting new people! 


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