Cast Away Family Workshop
Still from Kensuke's Kingdom

Cast Away Family Workshop

Cast Away


Thu 15 Aug 10:00

Pervasive Media Studio, Watershed

Come explore desert island life in the Pervasive Media Studio with a special creative family workshop for your 7 – 14 year-old explorer.

Inspired by the magical Kensuke's Kingdom, we'll be channeling our survival skills and exploring how to navigate being stranded on a desert island, just like in the film.

Why not make a day of it, and follow the workshop with a screening of Kensuke's Kingdom at 13:00 - with 20% off your ticket when you book both at the same time.

Bring your pack lunch survival kit to eat together before the film.

  • Take 20% off your cinema ticket to Kensuke's Kingdom when you book onto the Workshop beforehand.

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