The Meetings of Anna

Les Rendez-vous d'Anna

classified 15 S

part of Chantal Akerman: Adventures in Perception


Please note: This was screened in Feb 2025

Chantal Akerman
Aurore Clément, Helmut Griem, Magali Noël
128 mins, Subtitled, 1978, Belgium, France
Primary language

In one of Chantal Akerman’s most penetrating character studies, an accomplished filmmaker makes her way through a series of Western European cities to promote her newest release.

Passing through a succession of exquisitely shot brief encounters, meeting a succession of equally lost souls across Germany and Belgium, Anna gradually reveals her emotional and physical detachment from the world.

This semi-autobiographical film was a major step forward for Akerman's work, mirroring her own, often turbulent, wanderings.

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