A lady sits in a chair and looks off into the distance.


classified 18 (CTBA) S

part of Chantal Akerman: Adventures in Perception


Sat 29 March 14:00

Chantal Akerman
45 mins, Subtitled, 1980, France
Primary language

Dis-moi is an intimate documentary portrait of three elderly spirited Jewish women who survived the Holocaust.

They invite director Chantal Akerman into their Paris apartments, feed and regale her with stories about exile and deportation alongside those about love and acts of kindness, while also chiding, ‘Eat or else I won’t tell you the rest’.

Meanwhile, Akerman’s own mother can be heard on voiceover discussing her grandmother, who she lived with after she returned from Auschwitz, where her parents died.

Presented in partnership with Bristol Experimental and Expanded Film (BEEF).

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This screening will be followed by a discussion of Akerman's work with co-founder of A Nos Amours collective Adam Roberts and academic Maria Walsh, hosted by Vicky Smith and Louisa Fairclough of Bristol Experimental and Expanded Film.

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