The Straight Story

classified U

part of Behind the Curtain: The Films of David Lynch


Sat 26 April 14:00

David Lynch
Richard Farnsworth, Sissy Spacek, Jane Galloway Heitz
112 mins, 1999, USA
Primary language

This fact-based drama is one of David Lynch's tamer films, but no less profound, that follows the relationship between two estranged brothers and the power of a lawnmower!

73-year-old Alvin's eyesight is poor, he has little money, and he can't stand the thought of being driven anywhere.

So, when he discovers his estranged brother has suffered a stroke, he decides to make the journey all the way from Iowa to Wisconsin by the only means of transport available to him - a John Deere lawnmower.

  • Get Lost in Lynch: get 20% off when you buy tickets for four or more screenings as part of Behind the Curtain: The Films of David Lynch. Discount automatically applied at checkout.

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