Inland Empire

classified 15

part of Behind the Curtain: The Films of David Lynch


Sun 27 April 14:00

David Lynch
Laura Dern, Jan Hencz, Ian Abercrombie
180 mins, 2006, USA
Primary language

The role of a lifetime, a Hollywood mystery, a woman in trouble... David Lynch’s first digitally shot feature makes visionary use of the medium to weave a vast and enigmatic film.

Laura Dern plays Nikki Grace, a fading movie star who begins to adopt the persona of her character in a supposedly cursed film production. This leads her down a worrisome and dissociative path which begins to wreak havoc on her reality.

This labyrinthine nightmare leads us down an endless series of unfathomably interconnected rabbit holes into the deepest realms of the unconscious mind.

  • Get Lost in Lynch: get 20% off when you buy tickets for four or more screenings as part of Behind the Curtain: The Films of David Lynch. Discount automatically applied at checkout.

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