Vanessa Bellaar Spruijt
Vanessa is currently the Network Producer for Creative Workforce the Future, which is an inclusion readiness programme for small to medium sized creative companies in the West of England as well as a talent to industry development programme for 18 - 30 year olds currently underrepresented in the creative industries.
Creative Workforce for the Future is an exploratory new pilot programme funded by the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) and the European Social Fund (ESF) and led by the Bristol+Bath Creative R+D programme working with Rife at Watershed, Knowle West Media Centre, Creative Youth Network, The Guild Coworking Hub, Spike Island and Bristol Museums.
Creative Workforce for the Future is developing industry employment practices embracing inclusion and diversity as an asset, and nurtures young creative talent from under-represented groups to gain the experience required to sustain a creative career. A key aspect of the programme is supporting creative SMEs to develop a more inclusive workforce and practices in the region by undertaking an intensive programme of inclusive professional development.
Vanessa also taught on the 2018/2019 UWE Bristol and Watershed collaborative MA Creative Producing.