Supporters 2018/19
A huge thank you to our individual supporters in 2018/19
Individual Supporters
A big thank you...
To the following people who made kind donations to support Watershed’s work in 2018/2019.
Follow this link to see current supporters.
- nks
- Sreeganesh Ajithkumar
- Alexia Alfaro
- Joe Allen
- Lisa Allen
- Paul Anderson
- Christine Andrew
- Dylan Aplin
- Constandinos Appla
- Laura Arberry
- Paul Archer
- Patrick Arni
- John Arnold
- Alan Arnstein
- Helen Ashcroft
- Kirsty Asher
- Neil Ashmore
- Kay Bader
- Neville Bagot
- Rich Bailey
- Tom Bailward
- Mark Baker
- Ruth Baker
- Kathryn Barcham
- Anne Barham
- Tessa Baring
- Kirsten Barnes
- Stuart Barr
- Amanda Barrett-Wroe
- Ryan Bartlett
- Claudia Barton
- Henry Bassadone
- Martin Bastow
- Tim Bates
- Stephen Bear
- Ian Beaven
- Kate Beckett
- Stuart Beckett
- Pam Beddard
- Ian Beeson
- Emma Beeston
- Robert Beetham
- Lisa Bell
- Julia Belyavin
- Tom Bennett
- Joe Berger
- Roger Berry
- Thomas Bevir
- Nashir Bharmal
- Julia Binedell
- Helen Birse
- Gareth Bissicks
- Jennifer Blain
- Matt Blickem
- Nicholas Blomley
- Martin Bolton
- Kate Bostock
- Ros Boughtflower
- Colette Bourn
- Sabina Bowler-Reed
- Justin Boynton
- Louise Brady
- Daniel Brain
- Amy Bray
- Matt Brealey
- Richard Brennan
- Jon Bridle
- Sheila Brill
- Bristol Media
- Juliette Britton
- Kim Brooks
- Alastair Brown
- Alistair Brown
- Jane Brown
- Krystyna Brown
- Naomi Browne
- Rob Bryher
- Alex Bull
- Chris Bull
- Elizabeth Bunce
- Helen Burke
- Douglas Burnett
- Joe Burns
- Sara Burns
- Sarah Butlin
- Daniel Butt
- Amy Butterworth
- Magdalena Byczek
- Jonathan Calverley
- Ellen Calvert
- Michael Campbell
- Max Campbell-Jones
- Stephen Campion
- Susan Caporn
- Jack Carkdale
- Becky Carron
- Peter Chambers
- Susan Chambers
- Kane China
- Christopher Chinn
- Stuart Chivers
- Jo Cholmondeley
- Louisa Chowen
- Christine Churchard
- Ines Cirne
- Helen Clark
- Philip Clark
- Matthew Clarke
- Brian & Mollie Clay
- Sophie Clayton
- Roger Clews
- Ali Cliffe
- Stephanie Clitheroe
- Sally Clothier
- Colin Cobb
- Laura Collett
- Edward Collier
- Sarah Collingwood
- Lorenzo Colo
- Elizabeth Constant
- Peter Conway-Hughes
- Robin Coode
- Timothy Copestake
- Jennifer Cox
- Fiona Craig
- Gunter Creasey
- Roz Creusson
- David Critchley
- Mark Critchlow
- Margaret Croft
- Eleanor Crosby
- Jillian Crow
- Chloe Crowther
- Gemma Crozier
- Carol Curran
- David Cuthbert
- Sharon Da Costa
- Andrew Daer
- Terry Dafter
- Jennifer Dahms
- Bev Daniel
- James Davies
- Jim Davies
- Pat Davies
- Sian Davies
- Geoff Davis
- Sarah Day
- Marion De Berker
- Clare De La Torre
- Francisco De Unai
- Robert Dee
- Ian Deegan
- Rita Deegan
- Kirsty Delaney
- Bearnie DeMonick
- Ellie Denner
- Jessica Dimbleby
- Rob Dixon
- Timothy Dixon
- Grzegorz Dolata
- Lottie Donovan
- I'ah Donovan-Banfield
- Pamela Douglas
- Paul Duerden
- Chris Duffelen
- Claire Dukes
- Jane Duncan
- Richard Durrant
- Sally Dutton
- Max Dymond
- Eoin Earley
- James East
- Tracey Eastaugh-Waring
- Derek Edens
- Brian Edgar
- Alison Edgson
- Philip Edwards
- Thomas Egetemeyer
- Joshua Eke
- Rowan Ellis
- Claire Erde
- Emma Erskine-Fox
- Jan Evans
- Louise Every
- Mike Farmer
- Simon Faulkner
- Gene Feder
- Jennifer Field
- Savannah Fielder
- Robert Fields
- Ali Filose
- Caitlin Fleming
- Charlotte Foley
- Emma Foley
- Emma Forbes
- Lewis Forbes
- Nick Forshaw
- Neil Fountain
- Neil Franks
- Jack Freedman
- Samantha Freeth
- Andrea Fruhwirth
- Mark Fry
- Elena Abigail Fuertes Hernández
- Eli Fumoto
- Simran Gahir
- Elizabeth Gardner
- Louise Gardner
- Steve Gear
- Valeria Germini
- Morwenna Gibbs
- Phil Gibby
- Nicky Gibney
- Paul Gibson
- Jay Giebus
- Olwen Gillespie
- John Gilliard
- Jerry Gilpin
- Kathrina Glitre
- Judith Glushanok
- Graham Godfrey
- Emily Goldblatt
- Matt Golding
- Merlin Goldman
- Amy Goldsmith
- Simon Goldsmith
- David Goldstein
- Linda Goldthorpe
- Martin Grant
- Hilary Green
- Maureen Green
- Peter Green
- Steven Greer
- Lesley Greig
- Martin Grivelle
- Melanie Gubbin
- Joseph Hacker
- Nick Haigh
- Claire Haley
- William Hall
- Robin Hambleton
- Roger Hampson
- Paula Hargreaves
- Steve Harland
- Matthew Harpham
- Ali Harris
- Cherry Harris
- Ellie Harris
- Mark Harrison
- Melanie Harrison
- Henry Harte
- Jo Harvey
- Patricia Harvie
- Peter Hawkins
- Nick Hazlewood
- Robin Head
- Lyn Heathcote
- Alison Heaton
- Fran Herbert
- Ann Herring
- Nola Hersey
- Tania Hershman
- Lynda Herskovitz
- William Hewitt
- Claire Heywood
- John-Paul Higgerson
- Bob Higgie
- David Hill
- Jenny Hoadley
- Cathryn Hofmann
- Angela Hogg
- Peter Hollingworth
- Ben Holloway
- Miranda Holmes
- Nicholas Holmes
- Jane Hopkins
- Lindsey Horner
- Patrick Horner
- Niall Hoskin
- Kyle Hough
- Vivien Howells
- Deborah Hubbard
- Rachel Hubbard
- Richard Hudson
- Enyo Humphrey-Ackumey
- Rachel Hunt
- Rupert Hunt
- John Hunter
- Clare Huntley
- Bethan Hutton
- IMDb
- Jacqueline Inglis
- Joe Innes
- Institute of Physics Publishing
- Christine Ireland
- Megan Ireland
- Seth Jackson
- Sophie Jackson
- Stu Jackson
- David James
- Georgie James
- Rachel James
- Richard James
- David Johnson
- Kathleen Johnson
- Kirsty Johnson
- Michael Johnson
- Tracy Johnson
- James Johnson-Street
- Rachel Johnston
- Alan Jones
- Ed Jones
- Emma Jones
- Teresa Jones
- Eliza Joynson
- Terry Kahn
- Mya Kalaya
- Ellen Keld
- Jeff Kemble
- Ros Kennedy
- Hailey Kenyon
- Nicola Key
- R Kidman Cox
- Vivien Kies
- Jane Kilpatrick
- Philip King
- Julia Knight
- C Koehli
- Lucy Koshiw
- Daphne Kounali
- Jane Krish
- Karolina Krizova
- Jenny Lacey
- Helen Lancaster
- Keith Lane
- George Lansdown
- Joanna Lansdowne
- Julie Lansley
- Richard Law
- Robyn Lawrence
- Joel Lazarus
- Josh Learner
- Ian Leathers
- Daisy Lee
- Michael Leigh
- Matthew Lennon
- Christopher Leonard
- Geoff Leonard
- Patricia Lewis
- Marian Liebmann
- Diane Liell
- Ann Light
- Caroline Lim
- Paul Lindy Griffin
- Esther Lippett
- Richard Little
- Clare Lloyd-Williams
- Lisa Loader
- Greg Lovell
- Nick Lovell
- Andrew Lovelock
- Peter Lovering
- Philippa Lowthorpe
- Vanessa Luk
- Veronica Lyell
- Jennifer Lynn
- Penelope MacDonald
- Jenny Macey
- Frances MacFarlane
- Benedict Mackay
- Nicola Maguire
- Peter Maines
- Patrick Makin
- Jane Manley
- Brendan Mann
- Marilyn Marshall
- Beverley Martin
- Ed Martin
- Frank Martin
- Genevieve Martin
- Elizabeth Mason
- Helen Mason
- Mary Maybin
- John Mayne
- Adam McAleer
- Sarah McAllister
- Tiarnán McCartney
- Alan McClatchey
- Claudia McConnell
- Sarah McCormack
- Charles McCrea
- Ysatis McCulloch
- Michele McErlain
- Keith McGeoch
- John McGoldrick
- Kelly McKeown
- Andrew Meaden
- Robert Meech
- Fernando Melero Fernandez
- Andy Merryfield
- Peter Metcalfe
- Leone Meyer
- Eva Michieletto
- Iona Milburn
- Chris Miller
- Chris & Mavis Miller
- Lee Millington
- Marcus Millington
- John Mills
- Sarah Mills
- Aaron Minnigin
- Lizzie Minnion
- Ed Mitchell
- Keith Mitchelmore
- Glynthea Modood
- Alexandra Moeckl
- Yasmin Mohamud
- Robert Mooney
- Barry Moore
- David Moore
- Jane Morgan
- Daniel Morrison
- Jo Morrison
- Paul Morton
- Melody Moxham
- Laura Muchmore
- Ruby Mulvaney
- Henry Munby
- Elizabeth Munro
- Daniel Nelmes
- Lynda Newbery
- Andrew Newby
- William Nicks
- Nicholas Northcott
- Michael Nunn
- Jo O'Grady
- Colm O'Rourke
- William Obree
- Lauren Odendaal
- Ian Onions
- Alison Orton
- Richard Orton
- Helen Ostle
- Sue Outlaw
- Peter Ovenden
- David Owen
- Chris Padfield
- Anthea Page
- Margaret Page
- Emily Parker
- Andy Parkhouse
- Nick Parsons
- Matthew Partington
- Nicola Patrick
- John Payne
- Chris Pearce
- Emma Peddie
- S.E Peggs
- Dick Penny
- Siri Perera
- Jeffrey Pete
- Sarah Phillimore
- Brian Pickering
- Alexandra Pickford
- Jeanette Plumb
- Anthony Plumridge
- James Pocock
- Romola Pocock
- Jeff Poole
- Robert Pope
- Malcolm Porter
- Tony Portus
- Nikki Powell
- Jill Prasad
- Steve Presence
- Helen Taylor & Derrick Price
- Paul Pritchard
- Gordon Pullin
- Hugh Purvis
- Susan Pygott
- Denise Quilty
- Natasha Qvortrup
- Angela Raffle
- Jh Rahman
- Vivienne Rains
- Amanda Ramsay
- Ross Ramsay
- Miriam Randall
- Andrew Rankin
- Siobhan Raw
- Mark Redding
- Clare Reddington
- Elanor Redmill
- Alison Redwood
- Sarah Regan
- Laura Richards
- Robert Richardson
- Elizabeth Rickman
- Penelope Rigby
- Christine Ritter
- Gill Roberts
- Simon Roberts
- Nick Robinson
- Philip Robinson
- Lois Rogers
- Elizabeth Rollo
- Guy Rolls
- Dina Ronson
- Polly Rose
- Jessica Rothwell
- Nicola Round
- Patti Rudling
- Ashley Russell
- Frances Russell
- Tim Russon
- Catherine Sadler
- Kate Sadler
- Thomas Sain
- Ben Salisbury
- Donald Sammut
- Pauline Sanderson
- Sue Santi
- Caroline Sapsed
- Christine Savage
- Lucy Savvidou
- Alastair Sawday
- Meg Scott
- Anna Screen
- Chloe Searle
- Rachel Sellers
- Peter Shaw
- Sam Shaw
- Elizabeth Sheridan
- Shipham Community Cinema
- Llewelin Siddons
- Shaun Sidgreaves
- Hannah Silver
- Lesley Silvester
- Mike Slator
- Peter Slocombe
- Barbara Smith
- Gordon Smith
- Jane Smith
- Peter Smith
- Philip & Mary Smith
- Stephen Smith
- Susan Smith-Uncles
- Marguerite Smits van Oyen
- Kevin Smyth
- Tom Smyth
- Jane Somerville
- Anna Spencer
- Andy Spooner
- David Sproxton
- Julia Stafford
- Graham Staples
- Peter Statham
- Stephen Statham
- Philip Steggles
- Michael Stephens
- Thomas Steuart-Feilding
- Claire Stewart
- Fiona Stewart
- Neil Stoodley
- Nick Sturge
- Kwan Suh
- Brian Sullivan
- First Name Surname
- Eleanor Swain
- Jan Swann
- Gillian Sweet Bartley
- Peter Symes
- Guido Szamocki
- Clem Teagle
- Patrick Tettmar
- The Nisbet Charitable Trust
- Maraike Thimm
- Andrew Thompson
- Andy Thompson
- Susan Thomson
- Ian Thorn
- Ann Thorne
- T H Thornton
- Christine Thurgur
- Michael Tierney
- Susan Timmis
- Annette Tinsley
- Clare Titley
- Alastair Todd
- Marcus Todd
- Mary Todd
- Sj Tolputt
- Alexiane Touzé
- James Touzel
- Jamie Townes
- Peter Townley
- Oliver Treasure-Smith
- Nick Triggs
- Hilary Truss
- Mike Tucker
- Leigh Turner
- Susan Turner
- Helene Turon
- Eleanor Underhill
- Justin Uttley
- Kian Vakili
- Jurjen van der Goot
- Heather Van Munching
- Helene Vandenberghe
- Laurence Vaughn
- Christine Vayssade
- Malcolm Venn
- Emma Vickers
- Annabel Vine
- Helen Vines
- Christine Elizabeth Vooght
- Paul Vry
- Linn Waite
- David Walker
- Patricia Walker
- Sam Walker
- Kameca Waller
- Martin Walsh
- Jacky Walters
- James Ward
- Linda Ward
- Caroline Ward-Bailey
- Lynn Warner
- Liz & Rich Warren
- Sandra Warrener
- Derek Waters
- Julian Watson
- Ruth Watson
- Nathan Watts
- Ian Webb
- Gary Webber
- Alan Weeks
- Dominic Weir
- Lesley Welch
- Nicholas Wells
- Suzi Wells
- James Wheale
- Josephine Wheeler
- Laurence Whitehouse
- Heather Whitley
- Kate Whittle
- Andrew Whorlow
- Bridget Wilberforce
- Helen Wilde
- Peter Wilde
- Cheri Wilkins
- Hilary Williams
- John Williams
- Matthew Williams
- Milli Williams
- Morris Williams
- Paula Williams
- Sarah Williams
- Nicola Willis
- Harry Willmott
- Stephen Wilson
- Stephen Michael Wilson
- Henry Winchester
- Henry Windle
- Philip Wise
- Geoff Wood
- Theo Wood
- Karen Woods
- Pamela Woods
- Gayle Woodsend
- Naomi Woodspring
- Rosie Wren
- Alex Wright
- Joseph Wright
- Zeenat Yaqub
We would like to thank the following individuals for their honorary support of our work:
- Jon Howells
- Silas Adekunle