Photo of Waterside 3 at Watershed – a large room with chairs facing a projector screen, a speakers podium and top table

Get in touch

Get in touch with Watershed’s friendly Events team and we will be happy to answer your query, give you a quote or book in a show-round.

Make an enquiry now

Or telephone Watershed Events Team on 0117 927 2082.

Live From Watershed

Introducing our new broadcasting packages for conference clients who want a professional, high-spec online experience for their delegates

Whether you’re planning a panel discussion, afternoon workshop or multi-day conference, use Watershed’s broadcast-quality technical facilities and unique cinema and events spaces to meet, learn and network – online.

Online events

Choose from our cinema screens or conferencing spaces to hold your event. Our in-house technical team can livestream or record your talks in addition to mixing in talks – and questions – from anywhere else in the world.

Hybrid events

Get the best of both worlds – delegates can participate in your event at Watershed while a virtual audience can tune in online at the same time. We’ll make sure your virtual delegates don’t miss out on any of the offline conference experience.

Professional production values and excellent accessibility

Choose Watershed to take your event online and benefit from our broadcast-quality cameras, in-house technical team and a seamless live digital experience. We can help brand your livestream, provide opportunities for sponsors, supply you with a recording of your event and more. We can also connect you with our trusted pool of British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters and advise on subtitling facilities.

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