Shake it up!

Shake It Up! Instrument Workshop

Sold Out

part of Half Term Musical Magic


Please note: This event took place in Nov 2019

Recommended for children aged 3-6 and their families. This workshop runs from 9:30 - 10:30. Please note, all children must be accompanied by an adult.

We've teamed up with Bristol based artists Alice and Karen from Let’s Make Art for a FREE and interactive, percussive workshop. We'll kick off the day by making decorated shakers in the Link area before shimmying into the Cinema at 10.15 to try these out for a special montage of iconic clips from one of the greatest musical choreographers, Busby Berkeley's 1940s Hollywood hit, The Gang's All Here.

Stick around for the Greatest Showman Dressing Up Booth at 11.30am with Amy Steele from Stay Gold. Featuring an eclectic mix of dressing up clothes from ring masters to showgirls and harlequins, here's a chance for all shaker makers to dress up, have their photos taken and join the dance extravaganza.

Once you're all warmed up, you can catch a screening of the Greatest Showman Sing-a-long soon after the workshop!

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