Festival of the Future City

Festival of the Future City


Please note: This event took place in Oct 2019

Cities offer the solutions to many of the world’s problems. But as the world urbanises rapidly we need to get them right.

The third Festival of the Future City debates fundamental questions: Who has the right to the city now? How do we reverse growing inequality and faltering social mobility? Can we build a new generation of council estates? How do we meet public concerns about immigration in a time when immigration is needed? Most importantly of all, can cities grow in ways that do not place economic, social and environmental burdens on future generations?

We need radical ideas and radical solutions. This year, we take inspiration from 100 years ago when the first large-scale council estates began. We also look at the radical ideas of Weimar, Vienna and the Bauhaus in their centenaries and what they offer cities now.

In the year of the 70th anniversary of Nineteen Eighty-Four, Orwell’s warnings of fake news, data abuse, political totalitarianism and two-minute hate look increasingly prescient. These fears are reflected in our sessions on cities and democracy, the future of urban tolerance, and how we are going to live and work together in the future. We’re encouraging everyone to read and reread his great book.

Visit the Festival Website for all the line-up information.

View programme at futurecityfestival.co.uk
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