classified PG Sold Out

Please note: This was screened in Dec 2019

Damon Gameau
Damon Gameau, Eva Lazzaro, Zoë Gameau
92 mins, 2019, Australia
Primary language

An innovative and optimistic hybrid documentary set in the future, in which award-winning director Damon Gameau, for his young daughter’s benefit, enthusiastically imagines the year 2040 that could be if we embrace existing solutions to improve our planet and bring them into the mainstream.

Structured as a love letter to his four-year-old daughter, Damon blends traditional documentary footage with dramatised sequences and high-end visual effects to create a vision board for his daughter - and the planet. He travels the world in search of technologies and practices that will reduce our dependency on carbon, pull people out of poverty, and help create a better future - his journey takes us from regenerative farming practices in rural Australia to a Bangladeshi village powered by distributed solar home systems; from marine permaculture experiments in Woods Hole, United States, to an on-demand autonomous electric vehicle in New York City.

Full of hope - it invites us, as well as the children he interviews, to dream of a better tomorrow. It's an inspiring vision of the future - as Gameau says: "we have everything we need right now to make it happen." So... let’s get started.

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