The Green Lie

The Green Lie

classified 12A PS

part of UK Green Film Festival


Please note: This was screened in Nov 2019

Werner Boote
Werner Boote, Kathrin Hartmann, Christina Weidinger
93 mins, Partially Subtitled, 2019, Austria
Primary language
German | English | Portuguese

Environmentally friendly electric cars, sustainably produced food products, fair production processes: Hurray! If everything the corporations tell us is true, we can save the world through our purchasing decisions alone. A popular and dangerous lie. Are the industry’s “green products” nothing more than a sales strategy?

In his new documentary film, Werner Boote shows us, together with environmental expert Kathrin Hartmann, how we can protect ourselves. They easily banter, they agree to disagree and ultimately bring freshness to a never-ending debate.

Screening with short film


(Dir. Lesley Manning, UK, 2019, 2 mins)

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