Preview: Radioactive + Satellite Q&A

Preview: Radioactive + Satellite Q&A

classified 12A

Please note: This was screened in March 2020

Marjane Satrapi
Anya Taylor-Joy, Rosamund Pike, Sam Riley
110 mins, 2019, UK | Hungary
Primary language

Join us this International Women’s Day for Marjane Satrapi’s (Persepolis) biopic of the remarkable Marie Curie (Rosamund Pike - compelling throughout).

From the 1870s to the modern era, Radioactive is a journey through Marie Curie's enduring legacies - her passionate relationships, scientific breakthroughs, and the consequences that followed for her and for the world.

After meeting fellow scientist Pierre Curie (Sam Riley), the pair go on to marry and change the face of science forever through their discovery of radioactivity. Marie Curie became the only person in history to win the Nobel Prize in both chemistry and physics, overcoming fierce prejudice as a woman to make lasting contributions to science and medicine.

Curie's experiments are brought to life in Radioactive by brilliant vivid imagery; both her genius and personal sacrifices illuminated in this creatively told and essential story.

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