#Shortitout with Jim Cummings

#Shortitout with Jim Cummings

Watershed Recommends: Fri 8 - Thu 13 May

Streaming + Live stream

Please note: This event took place in May 2020

Join us every Thursday evening in May for a series of online Q&As with filmmakers live from their front room as part of Depict #shortitout.

On Thursday 14 May, our host - film programme manager at the British Council Film, Rowan Woods will be welcoming the dynamic indie writer, director and actor Jim Cummings for our #Shortitout Filmmaker Front Room Q&A. We'll be catching up with Jim about his career in film, from bursting onto the film scene with his one-shot short Thunder Road in 2016 (which was also voted one of the best short films ever made by Indiewire) to winning the Grand Jury Prize award at SXSW for a feature length film with the same name in 2018. Jim will talk us through his whirlwind experience and what it has taught him about making the most out of opportunities, not letting money hold you back and keeping motivated.

We’ll also be chatting to Jim about his new upcoming releases and sharing advice for filmmakers who are starting out or looking to move forward in their career.

#shortitout is brought to you by Encounters Film Festival, BFI NETWORK and Watershed as part of Depict 2020, events are supported by BAFTA and Channel 4. Share your shorts on social media by 4 June using #shortitout.

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