Les Misérables

classified 15 S

Please note: This was screened in Sept 2020

Ladj Ly
Damien Bonnard, Alexis Manenti, Djebril Zonga
105 mins, Subtitled, 2019, France
Primary language
French | Bambara

Inspired by the 2005 Paris riots, director Ladj Ly's Oscar-nominated Les Misérables is a hugely topical provocative insight into the tensions between neighbourhood residents and police.

Stéphane (Damien Bonnard) has recently joined the Anti-Crime Squad in Montfermeil, in the suburbs of Paris, France, where Victor Hugo set his famed novel “Les Misérables”. Alongside his new colleagues Chris (Alexis Manenti) and Gwada (Djebril Zonga) - both experienced members of the team - he quickly discovers tensions running high between local gangs. When the trio finds themselves overrun during the course of an arrest, a drone captures the encounter, threatening to expose the reality of everyday life.

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