Jules et Jim

Jules et Jim

classified 12A S

Please note: This was screened in Feb 2022

François Truffaut
Jeanne Moreau, Oskar Werner, Henri Serre, Marie Dubois
106 mins, Subtitled, 1962, France
Primary language

Revisit the master of cinema François Truffaut's bittersweet ode to romantic idealism, now gloriously restored in 4K.

Set just before the First World War in a time known as 'La Belle Epoche', two friends Jules and Jim live a care-free life in Paris, travelling across Europe on a whim and sharing lovers without jealousy. But tensions in their friendship arise when the beautiful, but demanding, Catherine (Jeanne Moureau) ends up in a ménage à trois with them, echoing the threat of a breakout of war in 1914...

This re-release from 1962 celebrates 60 years of François Truffaut's stylish and faithful French New Wave homage to Henri-Pierre Roché’s novel of the same name.

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