Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy

Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy

classified 15 S

Please note: This was screened in Feb 2022

Ryusuke Hamaguchi
Kotone Furukawa, Kiyohiko Shibukawa, Katsuki Mori
121 mins, Subtitled, 2021, Japan
Primary language

After Drive My Car’s multiple Oscar® nominations, Ryûsuke Hamaguchi returns with three playful and exquisite vignettes that contemplate life’s coincidences.

Hamaguchi introduces a trilogy of short stories in which three different women find themselves in curious situations touched by fate and imagination: Meiko discovers that her best friend is falling in love with her ex; student Sasaki convinces his lover Nao to trick his professor to avenge a humiliation he experienced; and Natsuko encounters a woman from her past who she realises that she has been harbouring romantic feelings for.

Deserved winner of the Silver Bear Grand Jury Prize at the 71st Berlinale last year, these portraits of love, coincidence and misunderstanding are elegant, compelling and heartbreaking in equal measure - it's an unforgettable watch.

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