
Sambizanga + Q&A with Annouchka De Andrade

classified 15 S

part of Women’s Stories from the Global South (& To Whom They Belong)


Please note: This was screened in July 2022

Sarah Maldoror
Domingos de Oliveira, Domingosas Domingos, Elisa Andrade, Mariaas Maria
102 mins, Subtitled, 1972, Angola,France
Primary language

Set in the weeks leading up to the guerrilla war for independence, Sambizanga focuses on the plight of a young couple.

A riveting neorealist testimony to Angola’s anti-colonialist struggle, the film was not screened in the country until after independence. Sambizanga is an unforgettable revolutionary film and a passionate dramatisation of a pivotal moment in Angola’s fight for freedom adapted by Sarah Maldoror from a book by Portuguese-Angolan author and activist José Luandino Vieira. Maldoror was not only one of the first women to wield a camera and transform African cinema from then on, but a matriarch who did it to fight oppression.

The restoration eventually came into being as part of the African Film Heritage Project – an initiative created by The Film Foundation’s World Cinema Project, the FEPACI and UNESCO – in collaboration with Cineteca di Bologna, to help locate, restore, and disseminate African cinema.

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