Where is Anne Frank?

Where is Anne Frank

classified PG

Please note: This was screened in Aug 2022

Ari Folman
Sebastian Croft, Ruby Stokes, Michael Maloney
99 mins, 2021, Belgium
Primary language

Where Is Anne Frank is the stunning new animated feature film from award-winning director Ari Folman (Waltz With Bashir).

This reimagining of Anne's famous story is told from the perspective of her diary - Kitty. One night, after the Anne Frank House closes for the day, Kitty comes to life. Completely unaware that she has awoken in modern-day Amsterdam, she goes on the hunt to find her owner, making friends (and enemies) along the way.

A vital retelling of one of the most important books ever to be published, Where Is Anne Frank shows that Anne Frank's history is not just a story to be relegated to the past, but rings true about what our society is going through in the present, and what it can become in the future.

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