Yi Yi

Yi Yi

classified 15 S

Please note: This was screened in Sept 2022

Edward Yang
Nien-Jen Wu, Elaine Jin, Issei Ogata
173 mins, & Subtitled, 2000, Taiwan
Primary language

The extraordinary, internationally embraced Yi Yi (A One and a Two...), directed by the late Taiwanese master Edward Yang, follows a middle-class family in Taipei over the course of one year, beginning with a wedding and ending with a funeral.

Whether chronicling middle-age father NJ’s tentative flirtations with an old flame or precocious young son Yang-Yang’s attempts at capturing reality with his beloved camera, Yang (who picked up the Best Director award at Cannes 2000) deftly imbues every gorgeous frame with a compassionate clarity.

Warm, sprawling, and dazzling, this intimate epic is one of the undisputed masterworks of the new century.

Screening curated by HOME, Manchester, with the support of the Ministry of Culture, Republic of China (Taiwan).

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