Preview: Neptune Frost

Preview: Neptune Frost

classified 15 S

Black History Month 2022


Please note: This was screened in Oct 2022

Anisia Uzeyman, Saul Williams
Cheryl Isheja, Bertrand Ninteretse, Eliane Umuhire
109 mins, & Subtitled, 2021, USA
Primary language
Kinyarwanda / French

The directorial debut of multidisciplinary artists Saul Williams and Anisia Uzeyman is an exhilarating Afrofuturist anti-capitalist sci-fi-punk-musical about a cosmic romance between an intersex hacker and a coltan miner which seeds a revolution.

Neptune Frost takes place in the hilltops of Burundi, where a group of escaped coltan miners form an anti-colonialist computer hacker collective. From their camp in an otherworldly e-waste dump, they attempt a takeover of the authoritarian regime exploiting the region’s natural resources – and its people. When an intersex runaway and an escaped miner find each other through cosmic forces, their connection sparks glitches within the greater divine circuitry.

Set between states of being – past and present, dream and waking life, colonised and free, male and female, memory and prescience – this is an invigorating and empowering direct download to the cerebral cortex and a call to reclaim technology for progressive political ends. It’s one of the most original and exhilarating films we’ve seen this year – don’t miss it.

Presented in partnership with Queer Vision Film Festival.

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