
classified 15 S

French Film Festival 2022


Please note: This was screened in Dec 2022

Lola Quivoron
Julie Ledru, Yannis Lafki, Antonia Buresi
105 mins, Subtitled, 2022, France
Primary language

Lola Quivoron’s exhilarating debut feature is set in the motocross culture of the Paris suburbs, where a fearless female rider shakes up the boys’ club.

Hot-tempered and fiercely independent Julia (Julie Ledru) finds escape in a passion for motorcycles and the high-octane world of urban ‘Rodeos’ – illicit gatherings where riders show off their bikes and their latest daring stunts. After a chance meeting at a Rodeo, Julia finds herself drawn into a clandestine and volatile clique. Striving to prove herself to the ultra-masculine group, she is faced with a series of escalating demands that will make or break her place in the community.

Having premiered at this year's Cannes Film Festival, Rodeo is a heart-pounding drama that features incredible stunts and an emotional storyline that stays with you like a burned tyre mark.

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