Found in: Slapstick 2023
Live From New York - With Steve Massa & Ben ModelRaymond Griffith in Paths To Paradise

Live From New York - With Steve Massa & Ben Model Raymond Griffith in Paths To Paradise

classified PG

Slapstick Festival 2023

Film + Live stream

Please note: This was screened in Feb 2023

Clarence G. Badger
Betty Compson, Raymond Griffith, Tom Santschi
90 mins, 1925, US
Primary language

Paths To Paradise is considered one of Raymond Griffith’s finest onscreen comedy performances.

A recent crowd-funded restoration of this comedy crime thriller starring the under-appreciated silent star sadly failed to unearth the final reel of this film, which remains lost.

But fear not as USA-based silent film champions Steve Massa and Ben Model have a cunning plan to fill in the gap!

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