Found in: Slapstick 2023
A Violin Over The Head: Slapstick Music in Variety Theatre

A Violin Over The Head: Slapstick Music in Variety Theatre

Slapstick Festival 2023


Please note: This event took place in Feb 2023

Slapstick comedy and music often collided in the world of variety theatre. In this talk, Oliver Double, Head of Comedy and Popular Performance at the University of Kent introduces a dazzling array of historic footage featuring routines by some of the comedians, singers, dancers and special acts who mixed melody and pratfalls.

Double will introduce you to Stanelli and his Hornchestra, Little Tich, the Bill Hall Trio, Lily Morris, and Wilson, and Keppel & Betty. Also featured are Manley & Austin, whose knockabout routine starts with Florence Austin smashing her violin over her husband’s head.

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